IIAT - Emerging Exposures for the Agent Around Town

Webcast, Remote  
Tuesday, October 08, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM   iCalendar Central Standard Time

2 CE Hours

Member $64  /  Non-member  $142

Instructor: Mishell Magnusson

This presentation includes what it means to be a broker, including duties owed to the consumer.  Though not intended as an E&O Loss prevention seminar, the seminar will also discuss ways to prevent possible errors and omissions exposures.  Participants will then be led through several current Emerging Exposures that are hot topics in the agency to identify to the customer and then decide IF any are covered by insurance.


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IIAT - Emerging Exposures for the Agent Around Town
2 CE HoursMember $64 /Non-member$142Instructor: Mishell MagnussonThis presentation includes what it means to be a broker, including duties owed to the consumer. Though not intended as an E&O Loss prevention seminar, the seminar will also discuss ways to prevent possible errors and omissions exposures. Participants will then be led through several current Emerging Exposures that are hot topics in the agency to identify to the customer and then decide IF any are covered by insurance.
October 08th, 2024
9:00 AM
October 08th, 2024
11:00 AM
Central Standard Time
Webcast, Remote